Symptom 10: Heart Problems: An Unseen Consequence of Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis

Among the myriad of symptoms experienced by individuals with Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, heart problems are often overlooked. However, they are a significant and potentially life-threatening aspect of the disease. These problems might manifest as abnormal heart rhythms, heart disease, or even heart failure.
In the early stages of NCL, heart issues might not be apparent. There might be minor anomalies in the heart rate or rhythm, often overlooked or attributed to stress or other benign causes. These early signs might go unnoticed in the broader context of NCL.
As the disease progresses, heart problems may become more severe. The patient might experience palpitations, fatigue, shortness of breath, or swelling in the legs, all indicative of potential heart issues. These symptoms can significantly affect daily life and overall health, adding to the multitude of challenges faced by individuals with NCL.
The connection between NCL and heart problems stems from the accumulation of lipofuscins in the cardiac muscle cells. These accumulations can disrupt the normal functioning of the heart, leading to a variety of heart-related issues. (10)