Symptom 4: Seizures: An Overt Display of Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis

One of the most visible and distressing symptoms of Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis is the onset of seizures. The occurrence of these seizures varies from one NCL subtype to another, but it is a common manifestation across all types.
Seizures in NCL are not uniform. They can present as brief periods of unresponsiveness, where the individual appears to be staring into space. In more severe cases, they can lead to uncontrollable muscle spasms or convulsions that affect part or all of the body.
The underlying cause of seizures in NCL is the same as for the other symptoms – the accumulation of lipofuscin in the brain’s neurons. As these neurons get damaged, they may start to send out abnormal electrical signals, which can lead to seizures.(4)