Fact 12: Recurrence of TGA is Uncommon

Although TGA episodes are dramatic and deeply concerning, a silver lining exists in the form of its recurrence pattern – or rather, the lack of it. Recurrence of transient global amnesia is relatively rare, providing solace to those who’ve experienced this disconcerting event.
Studies reveal that the recurrence rate for TGA is relatively low. For example, one study found the recurrence rate to be around 5-6% over several years. This indicates that the vast majority of individuals who experience TGA will likely only encounter it once.
Despite the overall low recurrence rate, certain factors may increase an individual’s risk of having another TGA episode. These factors might include age, underlying vascular conditions, migraines, or certain genetic predispositions.
The aftermath of a TGA episode can be disorienting and fear-inducing for the individual. However, understanding the rarity of TGA recurrence can provide reassurance. The likelihood of experiencing another such event is low, enabling individuals to focus on recovery and return to their normal life.
While transient global amnesia is a significant event, its relatively rare recurrence offers a semblance of comfort. It’s essential to understand this as part of the recovery process, offering reassurance in a situation that might initially appear alarming. (12)