Fact 14: Certain Triggers May Provoke a TGA Episode

While the exact cause of transient global amnesia remains elusive, research suggests that certain triggers may provoke a TGA episode. These include sudden immersion in cold or hot water, strenuous physical activity, emotional stress, and certain medical procedures.
Interestingly, some physical activities, like a sudden dip in cold water or engaging in strenuous exercises, have been reported to precipitate a TGA episode. It’s hypothesized that such activities might cause a brief disruption in the blood flow to certain parts of the brain, leading to transient amnesia.
Emotional stress is another trigger that might provoke TGA. Intense emotions, including fear, anger, or overwhelming happiness, may lead to a transient interruption of memory function, manifesting as TGA.
Certain medical procedures, particularly those involving the administration of contrast agents, have been associated with transient global amnesia. However, such instances are rare, and further research is needed to establish a definitive correlation.(14)