Symptom 9: Fatigue and Weakness – DAI’s Silent Thieves of Vigor

Encountering exhaustion after a bout of physical exertion or a demanding day is quite normal. But in individuals dealing with DAI, fatigue is a constant companion, stealthily eating away at their energy levels without any obvious reason. It’s not just about feeling sleepy or tired; it’s a pervasive sense of weariness, a profound lack of energy that doesn’t go away with rest or sleep.
The character of fatigue in DAI can be multifaceted. It could be physical, where the person feels a persistent bodily tiredness, making even simple tasks seem strenuous. Alternatively, it could be cognitive, where mental tasks become arduous, maintaining focus becomes a challenge, and decision-making feels like climbing a mountain.
But let’s not forget the other robber of vitality here – weakness. Individuals with DAI often encounter an unsettling loss of strength, making them feel feeble and fragile. It might present as generalized weakness, affecting the whole body, or it might be more localized, predominantly affecting certain muscle groups.
Why do fatigue and weakness occur in DAI? It’s likely because the injury disrupts the normal functioning of the brain, including energy production and muscle control. The brain, struggling to cope with the damage, may drain energy resources faster, leading to fatigue. The weakness, on the other hand, might result from impaired communication between the brain and muscles due to axonal damage. (9)