Castleman Disease: The 10 Symptoms that Matter Most

Symptom 3: Unexplained Fever: The Body’s Heatwave

Unexplained Fever The Body's Heatwave

Fever is a classic response of the body when it encounters threats. However, in the case of CD, these fevers seem to appear without a clear cause, making them a bit of a medical enigma.

One of the primary roles of fever is to create an inhospitable environment for invading pathogens. A heightened internal temperature can hinder the growth and reproduction of certain bacteria and viruses. In CD, though, this fever isn’t necessarily combating an external invasion.

Fevers in CD might not follow the usual patterns. They can be sporadic, with patients experiencing them for a few days, then having them subside, only to return again. This intermittent nature can often lead to confusion and misinterpretation.

Some researchers believe that these fevers might be a direct result of the overactive immune system found in CD patients. The immune system, detecting the abnormal cell growth, might be trying to ward it off through fever.

The body’s thermostat is essentially going haywire in these instances. While it’s striving to protect the body, the continuous rise and fall in temperature can be physically taxing, leading to fatigue, muscle aches, and a general sense of malaise. (3)

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