Castleman Disease: The 10 Symptoms that Matter Most

Symptom 5: Fatigue and Weakness: The Constant Companions

Fatigue and Weakness The Constant Companions

The fatigue associated with CD isn’t just the usual tiredness after a long day. It’s a bone-deep exhaustion that doesn’t alleviate, even after hours of rest.

Our body’s energy reservoir is a finely balanced system, with inputs (like food) and outputs (like physical activity). However, CD seems to throw a wrench into this system. Patients often report feeling drained, even after minimal exertion.

One plausible explanation for this is the body’s ongoing battle with the disease. It’s constantly trying to repair and defend, leading to an increased consumption of energy resources. This constant internal conflict takes its toll, manifesting as fatigue.

Additionally, the other symptoms of CD, like night sweats and fever, can further drain one’s energy levels. These symptoms, combined with fatigue, create a challenging scenario for those affected.

The weakness can be particularly pronounced in muscles, making even simple tasks seem Herculean. Over time, this fatigue and weakness can have profound impacts on one’s quality of life, affecting everything from daily chores to social interactions. (5)

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