Castleman Disease: The 10 Symptoms that Matter Most

Symptom 7: Breathlessness: The Silent Gasps for Air

Breathlessness The Silent Gasps for Air

Breath, so integral to life, can sometimes become a luxury for CD patients. This symptom, characterized by shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, is as puzzling as it is distressing.

Our respiratory system, a marvel of evolution, operates smoothly most of the time. But in CD, fluid build-up around the lungs or heart can disrupt this seamless operation. This fluid acts as a barrier, preventing the lungs from expanding fully and taking in the required oxygen.

What’s astonishing is how adaptable our bodies are. Even with restricted lung function, it tries to extract as much oxygen as possible, compensating in numerous ways. However, over time, as CD progresses, this compensation isn’t enough, leading to noticeable breathlessness.

This isn’t just about gasping for air after a sprint. It’s a subtle, creeping sensation, often noticeable during activities that previously posed no challenge. Climbing stairs or carrying groceries might suddenly seem daunting tasks. (7)

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