Sign 4: Mood Swings – The Emotional Whirlwind

CSVD does not limit its effects to the physical and cognitive realms. It ventures into the emotional world as well, manifesting as unexplained mood swings and depressive symptoms. These signs are often dismissed as the outcome of stress or hormonal fluctuations. However, when they are a result of CSVD, they reflect the disease’s impact on the areas of the brain associated with emotional regulation.
In the early stages of CSVD, individuals may experience mood swings that seem disproportionate to their triggers. A slight inconvenience could spark intense irritation, or an innocuous comment might lead to feelings of sadness. It’s like riding an emotional rollercoaster, with the highs and lows coming without warning.
In more severe cases, this emotional turmoil can manifest as depression. It’s not merely about feeling sad or down; it’s a profound sense of despair that clouds every aspect of life. This depression isn’t necessarily linked to external circumstances, making it all the more difficult for individuals and their loved ones to understand.
Recognizing these emotional changes is crucial in managing CSVD. Emotional well-being plays a significant role in the quality of life of those with the condition. Therefore, acknowledging and addressing these symptoms, alongside the physical and cognitive ones, can lead to a more comprehensive management approach. (4)