Cleft Palate Origins: Five Key Causes to Know

5. Hormonal Harmony: The Endocrine Influence on Cleft Palate Development

Hormonal Harmony The Endocrine Influence on Cleft Palate Development

Our endocrine system, a network of glands producing hormones, plays a vital role in regulating various physiological processes. During pregnancy, hormonal balance is crucial, ensuring both maternal and fetal well-being. And in the narrative of cleft palate development, hormones have their unique chapter.

Certain hormonal imbalances, particularly those related to thyroid function, can influence fetal development. The thyroid hormone, essential for metabolism and growth, has direct implications for the developing fetus. An imbalance, whether excess or deficiency, can disrupt normal growth patterns.

Additionally, maternal diabetes, marked by insulin imbalance, can also contribute. While the exact mechanisms remain under study, the overarching theme is clear: hormonal imbalances can create an environment where fetal anomalies like cleft palate become more likely. (5)

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