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10. The Dormancy Relapse Phase: The Calm After (and Before) the Storm

The Dormancy Relapse Phase The Calm After (and Before) the Storm

As the skin concludes its rigorous healing process, the herpes simplex virus is neither vanquished nor eradicated. Instead, it embarks on a retreat, migrating back to its lair: the nerve ganglia. Here, it lies dormant, biding its time and waiting for another opportunity to strike. This is the dormancy relapse phase.

The body’s immune system, having successfully managed the outbreak, keeps a vigilant watch. But it can’t completely eliminate the virus. The sneaky pathogen has evolved a way to hide from the immune system’s prying eyes, ensuring its survival.

One might wonder: Why doesn’t the virus just stay active all the time? Interestingly, constant activity isn’t sustainable for the virus. Lying low allows it to conserve energy and resources, ensuring its long-term survival within the host.

It’s akin to a sleeping dragon in its den. Even when it’s not wreaking havoc, the knowledge of its existence influences our actions. This is seen in the lifestyle adjustments people make – avoiding certain triggers known to awaken the virus, like excessive sun exposure or periods of stress. The body and the virus exist in a strange sort of equilibrium during this time. (10)

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