9. Split or Cracked Lips: The Aftermath of the Outbreak

After the blisters and crust have had their time, another symptom can make its presence felt: split or cracked lips. These aren’t a direct result of the virus but rather the aftermath of the skin’s ordeal. The affected area, having gone through various stages, becomes dry and susceptible to cracking.
This phase can be especially challenging during colder months when the air is dry. The lips, already sensitive from the cold sore episode, can find it hard to retain moisture. For children, this might lead to the instinctual yet counterproductive act of licking their lips to provide relief.
What’s notable is the skin’s elasticity. Even after the tumultuous journey of a cold sore, it has an incredible ability to bounce back. Given time and the right conditions, it’ll regain its moisture and suppleness.(9)