Symptom 8: The Nutrient Necessity: Malnutrition and Collagenous Colitis
The eighth symptom associated with collagenous colitis is malnutrition, a condition that can arise when the body isn’t getting or isn’t able to absorb the nutrients it needs to function correctly. In the context of collagenous colitis, this can be due to several factors.
Firstly, the chronic diarrhea characteristic of collagenous colitis can result in significant nutrient loss. Secondly, the inflammation and thickened collagen layer can disrupt the colon’s ability to absorb nutrients from food, a condition known as malabsorption. Finally, abdominal pain and nausea can lead to a reduced appetite, resulting in lower nutrient intake.
Symptoms of malnutrition can range from weight loss and fatigue to more severe signs like muscle weakness, decreased immune function, and even hair loss or skin problems. If left untreated, malnutrition can have serious health implications, emphasizing the importance of managing this symptom.(8)