Dealing with Oral Candidiasis: The Top 10 Symptoms

4. Burning Sensation: The Heat is On

Burning Sensation The Heat is On

Imagine feeling a constant burning sensation, like you’ve just gulped down a bottle of hot sauce. That’s what some people experience with oral thrush—a persistent burning that can turn simple daily routines into agonizing tasks.

First off, it’s crucial to understand this isn’t your run-of-the-mill tongue burn from hot food. This burning sensation occurs without any evident cause. You feel the burn, but you haven’t had spicy food, nor have you scalded your mouth with hot liquid. The difference is that it’s relentless.

So, what’s the science behind this unpleasant sensation? When Candida overgrows, it irritates the mucous membranes lining your mouth. This irritation can result in a burning sensation that can be both distracting and distressing. If you think this symptom is trivial, think again.

Here’s an intriguing angle: sometimes, this burning can intensify during the night. It’s baffling, but for some reason, the discomfort seems to ramp up when you’re trying to catch some Z’s, making sleep elusive.

This sensation isn’t just isolated to the tongue. It can encompass your entire mouth, making you feel like you’re perpetually rinsing with something spicy. The intensity can vary, from a mild tingle to a scorching sensation that makes even swallowing saliva an ordeal. (4)

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