Dealing with Oral Candidiasis: The Top 10 Symptoms

6. Difficulty Swallowing: When Eating Becomes a Chore

Difficulty Swallowing When Eating Becomes a Chore

The joy of savoring your favorite meal can abruptly come to a halt when you experience difficulty swallowing. With oral thrush, swallowing isn’t as straightforward as it should be. The muscles in your throat feel like they’ve forgotten how to function, turning each swallow into a monumental effort.

You’d probably think that a little difficulty swallowing is a hiccup, something that’ll pass. But the fascinating thing is that this symptom could signify that the Candida overgrowth has extended beyond the mouth, potentially reaching the esophagus. Now, that’s a wake-up call.

One quirk about this symptom is its inconsistency. You might find it harder to swallow solids than liquids or vice versa. Either way, the struggle is palpable. The irregularity stems from the inflammation and irritation caused by the fungal overgrowth, which impacts different parts of the swallowing process.

Have you ever heard of the term “oropharyngeal dysphagia”? Well, you have now. It’s the medical term for difficulty swallowing related to issues in the mouth and throat, and it’s often linked to oral thrush. So yes, you’re not just having trouble swallowing; you’re experiencing oropharyngeal dysphagia.

Now, here’s the kicker. The difficulty in swallowing can sometimes lead to dehydration. You may start avoiding fluids simply because it’s too much effort to swallow. Needless to say, the ramifications can be severe, extending way beyond mere inconvenience. (6)

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