Cause 4: Parasitic Infections

Parasitic infections, particularly in certain global regions, emerge as a noteworthy cause of appendicitis. Parasites, especially those affecting the gastrointestinal system, can either directly cause inflammation in the appendix or lead to blockages that pave the way for appendicitis.
Some parasites can directly invade the appendix’s tissue. Their presence and subsequent activity within this tissue can cause it to become inflamed, leading to appendicitis. These parasites might not just remain in the appendix; they can spread, causing a myriad of other health issues.
Furthermore, as these parasites grow and multiply, they can lead to blockages within the appendiceal lumen. Similar to fecal obstructions or tumors, these blockages can trap bacteria within the appendix. As these bacteria multiply, they increase the risk of inflammation and appendicitis.(4)