Cause 5: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) stands as a formidable contributor to the development of appendicitis. This group of disorders, which prominently features Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, wreaks havoc on the digestive tract, resulting in prolonged inflammation.
Crohn’s disease, a type of IBD, often affects the end portion of the small intestine, which neighbors the appendix. Consequently, it’s not uncommon for the inflammation to extend its reach, directly inflaming the appendix. Once the appendix gets caught up in this storm of inflammation, it can easily swell and lead to appendicitis.
Ulcerative colitis, on the other hand, primarily targets the colon. However, the inflammation and ulcers it causes can shift the digestive tract’s balance. This change might indirectly affect the appendix. The excessive mucus and pus produced during a flare-up could lead to a blockage in the appendiceal lumen, providing yet another pathway to appendicitis.
It’s also essential to consider the chronic nature of IBD. These aren’t one-off diseases but are recurring, often for life. This chronic inflammation can weaken the walls of the appendix, making it more susceptible to infections and blockages. Over time, this increased vulnerability might lead to a higher likelihood of appendicitis.(5)