Decoding Conduction Aphasia: Spotlight on Ten Key Symptoms

Symptom 10: Impaired Sentence Construction

Impaired Sentence Construction

Rounding out our list of symptoms is a disruption in sentence construction. Conduction aphasia can lead to a marked difficulty in constructing grammatically correct and logically coherent sentences. This issue stems from the disruption in auditory-verbal processing which lies at the core of this condition.

While the person knows what they want to express, the construction of a proper sentence to convey their thoughts becomes a daunting task. The resulting output may be a sentence with misplaced words, incorrect verb tenses, or even a mix of unrelated words that don’t form a logical sentence.

The severity of this symptom varies with the complexity of the sentences. Simple sentences like “I want water” may be constructed correctly, but as the complexity increases, the chances of errors rise. For instance, a sentence like “I was thinking of going to the new Italian restaurant for dinner” could be produced as “I thinking go new Italian dinner.”

This suggests that the language impairment in conduction aphasia affects the application of grammar rules and the organization of words into structured sentences. It’s like having all the puzzle pieces but not being able to put them together correctly to form the complete picture.(10)

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