Stage 2. Complicated Communication: The Increasing Struggle with Words

Another key sign of middle stage dementia is a noticeable difficulty in communication. As dementia progresses, it starts to tamper with the person’s language abilities. This symptom manifests as trouble in finding the right words, expressing thoughts, or even understanding what is being said by others.
This isn’t a simple case of forgetting a word or two. It’s a more profound struggle that can turn even basic conversations into challenging tasks.
The person might pause often, trying to retrieve the right words or construct their sentences. Conversations may become circular, with the person coming back to the same points repeatedly, unable to make their intended point.
As the struggle with language intensifies, it might also affect their reading and writing abilities. Simple tasks like reading a newspaper article or writing a grocery list can become frustrating endeavors. Even recognizing and comprehending common signs can turn into an uphill task.
Just like the escalating memory loss, this communication difficulty can be a source of anxiety and frustration for the individual. It adds a layer of isolation as the person finds it increasingly hard to convey their needs, feelings, and thoughts. A supportive, patient approach is necessary during this stage, with active efforts to facilitate communication and comprehension in the person’s day-to-day life. (2)