Decoding Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia: Ten Key Symptoms

Symptom 7. Speech Sound Errors: A Phonetic Challenge in PNFA

Speech Sound Errors A Phonetic Challenge in PNFA

As we continue to delve into the intricate tapestry of PNFA symptoms, we come across speech sound errors. These errors involve mispronunciations or distortions that alter the sounds of words, creating a speech pattern that can seem almost foreign to listeners.

The distortions might involve swapping sounds, adding extra sounds, or even omitting sounds entirely. Over time, these distortions can become so severe that the individual’s speech might become difficult to understand, significantly affecting their communication.

These speech sound errors in PNFA arise from the neurological damage associated with the condition. Despite their knowledge of the correct pronunciation, affected individuals struggle to coordinate the necessary movements to produce the correct sounds.

As is the theme with all symptoms of PNFA, the presence of speech sound errors is progressive. Early in the disease, these errors might be occasional and subtle. But as the condition advances, these phonetic mistakes become more frequent and conspicuous, ultimately playing a significant part in the individual’s communication difficulties. (7)

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