Decoding Stage 3 Thyroid Cancer: 10 Warning Signs You Should Not Ignore

Symptom 2. Dysphagia: The Unexpected Consequence of a Growing Tumor

Dysphagia The Unexpected Consequence of a Growing Tumor

A symptom that typically catches individuals off-guard is dysphagia, a medical term for difficulty in swallowing. It may initially present as a mild discomfort while eating, but as the tumor grows and exerts more pressure on the esophagus, this discomfort intensifies, transforming into a consistent struggle to swallow food or drink.

Now, why does a thyroid tumor lead to dysphagia? It all boils down to the tumor’s location. Situated close to the esophagus, the thyroid, when affected by a growing tumor, starts intruding into the esophageal space. This encroachment hampers the smooth passage of food, leading to dysphagia.

At this juncture, it’s essential to understand that dysphagia isn’t exclusive to stage 3 thyroid cancer. It might be less common in the earlier stages due to the smaller size of the tumor, but as the cancer advances, the chances of experiencing dysphagia increase.

The presence of dysphagia is a strong indicator that the cancer has progressed beyond the confines of the thyroid gland. It’s an alarm, a clear sign that the tumor is growing in size and might be invading adjacent structures. (2)

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