Sign 10: Mild Fever – A Slight Spike in Temperature

A slight increase in your baby’s body temperature can be another sign that they’re teething. However, it’s important to note that while a mild fever can accompany teething, a high fever is not normal and should be addressed by a healthcare professional. A teething fever is usually low-grade, hovering around 99 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s thought that the inflammation in the gums can trigger a slight increase in body temperature. But, remember, this increase is slight. If your baby’s temperature rises above 101 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s time to call the doctor.
Managing a teething fever involves keeping your baby comfortable and ensuring they are well-hydrated. Dress them in light clothing, provide plenty of fluids, and offer comfort as needed. If your baby seems particularly uncomfortable, consult your pediatrician about offering a dose of infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen (for babies over 6 months old). It’s also important to monitor their temperature regularly and be vigilant about any other symptoms that might indicate a more serious illness. Teething shouldn’t make your baby severely sick. If their mild fever is accompanied by severe irritability, prolonged crying, a rash, or diarrhea, it’s time to consult a healthcare professional.
Understanding the teething and temperature connection can help you navigate this phase with confidence. Keep in mind that every baby is different, and not all babies will experience a fever while teething. For those that do, it’s usually mild and short-lived, a brief chapter in the teething saga.
Offering relief and comfort during this time is crucial. Your baby might be feeling out of sorts, and your calm presence can make all the difference. Provide extra cuddles, gentle words, and the comfort of your arms. Your baby will feel secure and loved, making the teething journey a bit easier to navigate.
As the mild fever subsides and the new tooth makes its grand appearance, take a moment to celebrate. You and your baby have navigated through another teething milestone, growing and learning together. Each tooth is a testament to your baby’s resilience and your unwavering support, a journey worth celebrating from the first tooth to the last. (10)