Decoding the Enigma: 10 Symptoms of Exploding Head Syndrome (EHS)

Symptom 6: Mild Headache

Mild Headache

Following the startling auditory or visual episodes characteristic of EHS, many individuals report a lingering, mild headache. This isn’t the intense throbbing associated with migraines or tension headaches. Instead, it’s more of a subtle, dull ache, akin to the sensation after a sudden bout of intense concentration or focus.

What causes this? The brain, when jolted by the unexpected stimuli of EHS, goes into a state of hyperactivity. Various regions, especially those associated with sensory processing and emotional regulation, become momentarily over-stimulated. This sudden surge in neural activity can lead to the sensation of a mild headache, a sort of “hangover” from the intense episode.

Stress and anxiety, common accompaniments of EHS episodes, can also contribute to this head discomfort. When stressed, our muscles, including those in the head and neck, can tense up. This tension, sustained over even a short period, can manifest as a headache. For many EHS sufferers, this mild headache serves as a somber reminder of the episode they just underwent.(6)

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