Decoding the Enigma: 10 Symptoms of Exploding Head Syndrome (EHS)

Symptom 8: A Feeling of Elevation

A Feeling of Elevation

One of the more ethereal symptoms reported by some EHS sufferers is a feeling of elevation, as if they’re floating or being lifted off their bed. It’s disorienting and can add to the surreal nature of the experience. This isn’t about physical levitation but a perception, a sensation that the mind constructs during the episode.

The human brain, in its complexity, can create vivid sensory experiences, even when there’s no external stimulus. During EHS, the surge in neural activity can lead to various perceptual distortions. A feeling of elevation is one such manifestation, where the brain’s internal signals get misinterpreted, leading to this lofty sensation.

Some theories suggest that this feeling of elevation might be the brain’s way of distancing the individual from the perceived threat of the startling noise or flash of light. By creating a sensation of “rising above,” the brain might be trying to offer a momentary escape from the jarring event.

For those who experience this sensation, grounding exercises can be beneficial. Techniques like deep breathing or tactile stimulation, like clutching a familiar object, can help in reaffirming one’s connection to reality. With time, many individuals also learn to ride out this sensation, knowing it as just another quirk of their EHS episodes. (8)

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