Symptom 3. The Yellow Warning: Jaundice

Jaundice, a condition where the skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow, is a common symptom of liver disease, including cirrhosis. But how exactly does liver damage lead to this yellowing effect?
The answer lies in a substance called bilirubin. Bilirubin is a byproduct of the breakdown of red blood cells, and it’s the liver’s job to get rid of it. A healthy liver takes bilirubin from the blood, processes it, and then excretes it into bile, which eventually leaves the body through the feces.
When the liver is damaged by cirrhosis, however, it can’t effectively remove bilirubin from the blood. As a result, bilirubin builds up in the bloodstream and deposits in the skin and eyes, causing them to turn yellow. This yellowing is a visible sign that the liver is struggling with its detoxification role.
Jaundice isn’t just about cosmetic concerns. It’s a visible sign that your liver is struggling and needs help. Moreover, the build-up of bilirubin can lead to itching, making you uncomfortable.
Additionally, jaundice can be accompanied by other symptoms, such as dark urine and light or clay-colored stools. This is because the excess bilirubin that the liver can’t process is excreted through urine, making it dark. At the same time, stools might be light or clay-colored because less bilirubin is reaching the intestines to give stool its typical brown color. (3)