Symptom 6. The Hidden Discomfort: Abdominal Pain

When we think about abdominal pain, cirrhosis might not be the first cause that comes to mind. After all, tummy troubles can be attributed to everything from indigestion to food poisoning. However, persistent or recurring pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen could signal cirrhosis. But why would liver damage cause abdominal pain?
First, let’s consider the liver’s location. It’s situated in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen, tucked snugly beneath your ribcage. Now, when cirrhosis takes hold, it causes the liver to harden and swell. This enlarged, hardened liver can press against other organs and the ribcage, causing discomfort or pain in the area.
The pain might start as a dull ache that comes and goes. You might notice it more when you’re moving around or taking deep breaths. Over time, as the liver damage progresses, the pain might become more constant. It might also intensify after meals, especially if those meals are high in fat, as the liver works harder to produce bile for digestion.
Second, remember the fluid buildup in the abdomen we discussed earlier? Ascites can also contribute to abdominal pain. As the fluid accumulates, it stretches the abdomen and puts pressure on other organs. This can lead to discomfort or pain in the abdomen, further complicating the picture. (6)