Symptom 9. The Unexpected Confusion: Encephalopathy

One of the more serious symptoms of cirrhosis is hepatic encephalopathy. This is a condition characterized by confusion, forgetfulness, and changes in personality. In severe cases, it can even lead to coma. But why would liver damage lead to changes in brain function?
The answer lies in one of the liver’s key roles: detoxification. The liver helps clear the blood of harmful substances, including ammonia. However, when the liver is damaged by cirrhosis, it can’t effectively filter out these toxins. The result? These substances, including ammonia, build up in the blood and reach the brain.
When these toxins reach the brain, they can interfere with its functioning. This can lead to a range of symptoms, from mild to severe. You might notice that you’re more forgetful or have trouble concentrating. You might struggle with tasks that used to be easy, like managing your finances or planning a meal.
As the condition progresses, the symptoms become more severe. You might feel drowsy or sluggish, or your sleep patterns might change. In severe cases, you might become confused or disoriented, not knowing where you are or what time it is. In the most severe cases, hepatic encephalopathy can lead to coma and even death. (9)