Symptom 7: Hair Loss and Dry Skin – The External Evidence of Thyroid Adenoma

Changes in hair and skin quality can often be a telling sign of several underlying conditions, one of them being thyroid adenoma. The thyroid gland is instrumental in maintaining the health of our hair and skin. Therefore, any disruption in its functioning can lead to noticeable changes in these areas.
Patients with thyroid adenoma often report that their hair seems thinner than usual or that they are losing more hair than they normally do. This hair loss is not restricted to the scalp but can also involve other areas like the eyebrows. It’s important to realize that this isn’t about the normal 50-100 strands we lose daily. Instead, it’s a more significant loss that may leave patches on the scalp or noticeably thin out the hair volume.
Thyroid adenoma can also cause changes in your skin, which is the body’s largest organ and a significant indicator of overall health. When a thyroid adenoma disrupts the gland’s normal functioning, it can lead to skin that feels dry, rough, and flaky. This dryness is not just about an uncomfortable sensation. It can lead to visible changes, making the skin look dull and lifeless, and even lead to severe flaking or eczema in some cases.
Both hair loss and skin changes can be easily overlooked, as we often attribute these changes to aging or environmental factors like weather changes or cosmetic product usage. Therefore, these signs can persist for a while before the connection to thyroid adenoma becomes apparent. (7)