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7. FTD and ALS


Another facet of FTD that is crucial to understanding this disease involves its relationship with another neurodegenerative disorder – Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Although at first glance these diseases might appear quite distinct – one primarily affecting behavior and language, the other primarily affecting motor functions, there’s an intriguing intersection between FTD and ALS.

It’s estimated that up to 15% of people with FTD also develop ALS, and about 50% of people with ALS show some degree of cognitive or behavioral impairment characteristic of FTD. Moreover, the C9orf72 genetic mutation, which we discussed earlier, is a common genetic cause for both familial FTD and familial ALS, further solidifying the connection between the two conditions.

Despite these connections, the relationship between FTD and ALS is still not entirely understood. Current research is delving into the common genetic and molecular pathways that might underlie both diseases. By illuminating these shared pathways, scientists hope not only to understand these diseases better but also to uncover potential targets for therapy that might benefit both FTD and ALS patients. (7)

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