Symptom 6: Tickling Sensation or Throat Irritation: The Persistent Annoyance of Laryngitis
An often overlooked, but nonetheless distressing symptom of laryngitis, is a tickling sensation or irritation in the throat. This symptom can feel like a constant itch you can’t scratch, creating a persistent urge to clear your throat.
This tickling or irritation can be particularly bothersome because of its persistent nature. It can disrupt concentration, interfere with sleep, and generally serve as a constant source of annoyance. Furthermore, the frequent throat clearing it prompts can further strain the vocal cords, exacerbating symptoms like hoarseness and voice loss.
This sensation is typically a result of the inflamed and irritated throat lining. As the laryngitis progresses, the inflammation can lead to an increased production of mucus, which can cause this tickling or irritating sensation. (6)