3. Shortness of Breath: A Subtle Warning That’s Easy to Miss

Shortness of breath isn’t just an outcome of a strenuous workout or a hike up a steep hill. When it becomes a constant companion, disrupting daily activities or even occurring at rest, it’s time to dig deeper.
Unlike other symptoms, shortness of breath can easily masquerade as a symptom of aging or lack of fitness. It’s insidious, trickling into your daily life bit by bit until you find yourself gasping after climbing a flight of stairs you once scaled with ease.
Here’s what’s going on under the hood. As a tumor grows in the lungs, it starts to block the air passages. It can also put pressure on the diaphragm, the muscle responsible for aiding in breathing. This not only restricts air flow but also impacts the volume of air the lungs can hold.
The frightening part is how easily this symptom can be mistaken for other less serious conditions. You might attribute it to being out of shape, or perhaps, chalk it up to stress or anxiety. (3)