Symptom 3. Sensitivity to Cold: The Unseen Chill

Navigating through the symptoms of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, we arrive at the third signpost: an increased sensitivity to cold. If you find yourself reaching for an extra layer of clothing while others feel comfortable, Hashimoto’s might be sending signals.
The thyroid gland plays a pivotal role in regulating the body’s thermostat. When Hashimoto’s sets in and slows thyroid function, it disrupts your body’s ability to generate and distribute heat effectively, making you more sensitive to colder temperatures.
The sensation isn’t akin to the shivers one might feel on a winter’s day. It’s an inability to warm up, even in environments where others are comfortable. It’s a chill that seems to settle in your bones, refusing to be chased away by warm drinks or thick sweaters.
This increased sensitivity to cold doesn’t merely cause discomfort. It is a glaring sign that the body’s energy-burning process, or metabolism, isn’t operating as it should. The body isn’t generating enough heat, pointing towards an underactive thyroid. (3)