Dissociative Fugue Demystified: A Detailed Look into its 15 Key Symptoms

Symptom 6. Confusion and Distress: The Emotional Turmoil

Confusion and Distress The Emotional Turmoil

People with dissociative fugue often experience significant confusion and emotional distress, particularly after their unexpected return to normalcy. This symptom manifests as a range of emotional reactions, including anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, and a pervasive sense of confusion.

This emotional turmoil can be attributed to multiple factors. The abrupt return to their original identity and the realization of their actions during the fugue state can cause immense confusion and anxiety. They may feel ashamed and guilty for their actions and the possible repercussions on their personal and professional lives.

Additionally, the profound sense of identity confusion and memory loss can also contribute to their emotional distress. The person may feel lost and disconnected, struggling to reconcile their experiences during the fugue state with their regular life.

This symptom not only underscores the emotional toll of dissociative fugue but also highlights the importance of psychological support for these individuals. Mental health professionals can play a crucial role in helping them navigate their emotions, develop coping mechanisms, and gradually reintegrate into their routine lives. (6)

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