Dissociative Fugue Demystified: A Detailed Look into its 15 Key Symptoms

Symptom 9. Altered Perception of Reality: Living in a Dream

Altered Perception of Reality Living in a Dream

Individuals with dissociative fugue often describe their experiences as if they are living in a dream. This altered perception of reality is a key symptom of the disorder, reflecting the significant disconnect between the individual’s experiences and their understanding of these experiences.

This symptom can manifest in various ways. The person may feel detached from their surroundings, as if they are watching events unfold from a distance. They may also feel a sense of unreality about their own body or identity, as if they are observing themselves from an outsider’s perspective.

This altered perception can further intensify the confusion and distress experienced by the individual. It can make it challenging for them to understand or communicate their experiences, leading to feelings of isolation and helplessness.

Therapy can play a vital role in helping individuals manage this symptom. Therapists can use various techniques to help individuals ground themselves in reality and minimize feelings of detachment or unreality. (9)

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