Other Symptoms and Co-occurring Conditions.
Other conditions that might be associated with autism are:
- Seizures;
- Savant syndrome (a rare condition when, despite autistic obstacles, the person has an extraordinary talent);
- Hyperlexia (early ability to decode words without understanding them);
- Synesthesia (association of words or ideas with sounds, colors, tastes, etc.)
- Low muscle tone or difficulties with fine and gross motor skills. [8]
- Intellectual disability (31% of children have an IQ below 70, 25% have an IQ 71 to 85, which is considered borderline). [4]
Some individuals, though, may demonstrate very high levels of intellectual functioning. With high-functioning autism, also referred to as Asperger’s syndrome, symptoms of autism go along with unusual intelligence. A child can have outstanding academic performance, but at the same time have trouble communicating with peers. [8]
Other co-occurring conditions include sensory sensitivities, anxiety, depression, epilepsy, sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal, metabolic and immune dysregulation. [6]
Children with autism are also more likely to develop chronic noncommunicable diseases due to behavior-related risk factors such as lack of physical activity and poor diet. [2]