EoE Alert: Recognize the Top 10 Signs of Eosinophilic Esophagitis Now

7. Sore Throat: The EoE Symptom That Keeps You Guessing

Sore Throat The EoE Symptom That Keeps You Guessing

When you experience a sore throat, the first thoughts usually gravitate towards a cold or perhaps allergies. Yet, for those with EoE, a sore throat often serves as an enigmatic sign that something more chronic is afoot. Akin to a low hum in the background, this symptom may be easily overlooked but should not be ignored.

What makes the sore throat in EoE peculiar is the absence of other common signs of illness like a runny nose or fever. Imagine feeling like you swallowed a piece of coarse sandpaper, but without the sniffles or temperature spikes to accompany it. It’s a throat discomfort that exists in isolation, often causing puzzlement.

You’d think that drinking warm liquids or swallowing honey would provide relief, but the discomfort remains persistent. The culprit? Inflammation and scarring in the esophagus, making even the simplest remedies ineffective. That tablespoon of honey gliding down your throat might as well be a placebo.

EoE-related sore throats also throw another curveball—timing. Unlike common sore throats that are worse in the morning and gradually improve throughout the day, EoE sore throats can happen any time and linger without a predictable pattern. One evening you’re fine, and the next afternoon you find it challenging even to talk.

Believe it or not, some people describe the sensation as “phantom pain,” similar to a ghost limb in amputees. They often find it difficult to pinpoint the exact location of discomfort within their throat, as if the soreness moves around, dodging any attempt to characterize it. (7)

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