Symptom 10: No Hindrance to Feeding

Last but certainly not least, let’s address a primary concern for any parent: feeding. Nourishing a newborn is paramount, and anything that might interfere with this process is viewed with warranted concern. The good news? Epstein’s Pearls pose no hindrance to feeding.
Despite their conspicuous presence on the hard palate, these cysts don’t interfere with the baby’s ability to latch, suckle, or swallow. Their smooth, non-painful nature ensures that they don’t cause discomfort during feeds. Moreover, their location, although prominent, doesn’t obstruct the feeding process.
For breastfeeding mothers, the presence of these cysts doesn’t alter the experience. Since they don’t cause pain or discomfort to the baby, the feeding process remains uninterrupted. Similarly, for babies on formula, using bottles or other feeding mechanisms isn’t impacted by the presence of these cysts. (10)