Symptom 7: Temporary Presence

“Here today, gone tomorrow” aptly sums up the journey of Epstein’s Pearls. One of the defining and most comforting characteristics of these cysts is their temporary nature. Like transient visitors, they make a brief appearance and then depart without much ado.
Most parents are initially taken aback by the sight of these cysts. The primary concern revolves around their permanence. Will they be a lifelong companion, or do they have an expiration date? Fortunately, Epstein’s Pearls don’t overstay their welcome. Typically, they dissolve and disappear within weeks to a few months of birth.
Their temporary tenure is attributed to the natural process of the oral cavity’s evolution. As the baby grows and the mouth experiences more activity, especially with the onset of feeding and later teething, these cysts naturally rupture and vanish. It’s a self-resolving phenomenon, requiring no intervention.
This fleeting presence is a significant relief for many caregivers. Knowing that these cysts aren’t a permanent fixture can ease many concerns. It’s like watching a cloud pass by, knowing it won’t obscure the sun forever. (7)