13. Sleep Position: A Simple Yet Significant Factor

Your sleep position might seem inconsequential, but it can greatly affect esophagitis symptoms. Lying flat can allow stomach acid easier access to your esophagus, worsening irritation. On the other hand, elevating your upper body while you sleep can counteract this issue, relying on gravity to keep acid where it belongs—in your stomach.
The mechanics of this are straightforward but crucial. By lifting the head of your bed about six to eight inches, you create an incline that helps prevent stomach acid from reaching the esophagus. This doesn’t mean just stacking extra pillows, which can actually exacerbate the issue by putting pressure on the abdomen.
People with nighttime symptoms often find this change to be a game-changer. Interruptions in sleep due to acid reflux are not only unpleasant but can have ripple effects, such as exacerbating stress and thereby worsening esophagitis indirectly.
Some individuals go a step further, opting for specialty beds or wedges designed to optimize sleep position for esophagitis sufferers. These options can be particularly useful for those who find symptoms to be most bothersome at night.
Taking control of your sleep environment may not cure esophagitis, but it can go a long way in helping you manage symptoms. It’s a simple adjustment with potentially profound effects, offering a path towards more restful nights and more comfortable days. (13)