4. The Role of Diet: Not Just What You Eat, but How

Esophagitis has a tricky relationship with diet. It’s not just the kinds of food you consume, but also how you eat them that can exacerbate the condition. For instance, hurried eating without proper chewing can irritate an already inflamed esophagus. So take it slow; your esophagus will thank you.
Spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks are usual suspects when it comes to irritating the esophagus. But it’s not just these obvious triggers. Surprisingly, even some healthy foods like citrus fruits can aggravate symptoms. Yes, even your morning glass of orange juice could be a culprit.
On the flip side, certain foods are believed to be esophagus-friendly. Bananas, melons, and even oatmeal tend to be gentler on the digestive system. But don’t start celebrating just yet; while these foods might not irritate, they don’t cure the condition either.(4)