Essential Thrombocythemia: Unveiling the Top 10 Symptoms and Management Strategies

9. Redness and Throbbing in Extremities – The Vascular Manifestations of ET

Redness and Throbbing in Extremities – The Vascular Manifestations of ET

Redness and throbbing in the hands and feet, often referred to as erythromelalgia, are common vascular symptoms in essential thrombocythemia. These symptoms are caused by abnormal blood flow in the small vessels, a direct consequence of the increased platelet count. Patients may notice their hands or feet becoming unusually red and feeling warm or burning.

This condition can be intermittent, with symptoms flaring up for a period and then subsiding. The throbbing sensation can range from mild to severe, and it can significantly impact daily activities. For instance, it may become difficult for patients to walk or use their hands effectively during flare-ups.

Management of erythromelalgia in ET involves both lifestyle adjustments and medication. Keeping the affected extremities cool can help alleviate symptoms. Patients are advised to avoid triggers like heat or prolonged standing, which can exacerbate the condition.

In terms of medication, aspirin is commonly used to help reduce the intensity of symptoms. However, it’s important for patients to consult with their healthcare provider before starting any new medication. The healthcare provider can also recommend other treatments or interventions based on the severity of the symptoms. (9)

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