Examining the 10 Principal Symptoms of Morquio Syndrome

Symptom 7. Hearing Loss: The Silent Symptom of Morquio Syndrome

Hearing Loss The Silent Symptom of Morquio Syndrome

A symptom of Morquio Syndrome that often falls on deaf ears, both literally and metaphorically, is hearing loss. Despite its invisibility, this symptom can have a profound impact on the individual’s quality of life, communication abilities, and social interactions.

The hearing loss in Morquio Syndrome is a result of abnormalities in the middle and inner ear, which are common in this condition. These abnormalities can impact the ear’s ability to transmit sound, leading to varying degrees of hearing impairment.

In the early years, the hearing loss may be minimal and go unnoticed. However, as the individual ages and the condition progresses, the hearing impairment can become more significant. This can affect the person’s ability to communicate effectively, causing challenges in both personal and professional settings.

The impact of hearing loss extends beyond just communication. It can also affect the person’s safety, as our hearing often alerts us to danger. Moreover, hearing is a crucial part of most social interactions and activities, meaning that hearing loss can lead to feelings of isolation and social withdrawal.(7)

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