Exploring Semantic Dementia: Deciphering the Top 10 Symptoms

9. Repetitive and Ritualistic Behavior: A Rigid Routine

Repetitive and Ritualistic Behavior A Rigid Routine

Semantic dementia can also manifest as a marked increase in repetitive and ritualistic behavior. This includes repeating certain words or phrases, adhering to a fixed routine, or frequently checking or arranging items in a particular way.

In the early stages of SD, you may notice the person repeating questions or stories within a short time frame, seemingly oblivious to the repetition. They might also start to insist on maintaining strict routines, such as eating meals or watching TV shows at exact times. These changes can initially be interpreted as habits or even signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

However, as the disease progresses, these repetitive and ritualistic behaviors can become more severe and inflexible. The individual might react with distress or confusion if their routine is disrupted or if items are not arranged the way they prefer. They might spend hours repeating the same activity or insist on using the same words or phrases in conversations.

This increase in repetitive and ritualistic behavior can prove challenging for caregivers. It requires patience and understanding, as attempts to break the routine can cause anxiety or agitation in the person with SD. This symptom also highlights the extent of cognitive changes in semantic dementia, demonstrating how it can affect not just language and recognition abilities, but also behaviors and routines. (9)

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