FNH for the Non-Medical: 10 Symptoms Decoded

10. Loss of Appetite: The Taste of Indifference

Loss of Appetite The Taste of Indifference

Ever been to a restaurant where the menu is extensive, the aroma inviting, but nothing quite tickles your fancy? Loss of appetite with FNH isn’t far off from that feeling, only it doesn’t just last for one meal; it could stretch across days or even weeks.

Loss of appetite is a peculiar symptom because it’s a negative one. Rather than adding a sensation like pain or fatigue, it takes away something: your interest in food. You might find that even your favorite dishes seem dull and unappealing, as though they’ve been stripped of all flavor and texture.

This symptom doesn’t declare itself boldly like abdominal swelling or darkened urine. Instead, it’s a gradual realization. You might notice that you’re pushing food around your plate more than eating it. It’s as though your culinary world, once rich and vibrant, has been reduced to monochrome, lacking the shades that make eating a joy. (10)

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