What are the possible complications of food poisoning?
Food poisoning is mostly harmless and resolved quickly. However, in some cases complications may appear and require special medical attention and care. Emergency situations may include:
- Extreme dehydration;
- Sepsis (septicemia);
- Occlusive syndrome;
- Neurological damage: poisoning can sometimes affect the central nervous system and cause visual disturbances, breathing difficulties and speech problems.
When Should I See A Doctor?
In most cases, food poisoning is not serious and does not require medical attention. Treatments available without prescription are usually sufficient. However, seek medical attention if there are any of the following symptoms:
- Diarrhea lasting more than 72 hours;
- Diarrhea lasting more than 5 days (without improvement);
- Fever;
- Vomiting that lasts more than 24 hours.
Consultation should be immediate when there is:
- Blood in the stool;
- Severe abdominal pain;
- Intense thirst and urinary retention;
- Drowsiness or confusion.