3. Surgical Interventions: The Relationship Between Surgery and Prognosis

When gallbladder cancer is diagnosed, one of the first treatment options explored is surgery. Surgical intervention comes in various forms, from removing the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) to more complex procedures like a hepatectomy, where part of the liver is also removed. Surgical options generally offer a better prognosis, but let’s delve into why.
Surgery aims to remove the entire tumor, and when successful, it can often lead to complete recovery, particularly for early-stage gallbladder cancer. However, it’s essential to note that even after successful surgery, the chance of recurrence exists. Monitoring is usually recommended to catch any signs of the cancer coming back at an early stage.
Sometimes surgery is performed alongside other treatments like chemotherapy or radiation. This combination aims to shrink the tumor before surgery and kill off any remaining cancer cells afterward. This multimodal approach often results in a more favorable prognosis, especially for borderline operable cancers.(3)