4. Unexplained Weight Loss: A Sneaky Symptom

In some cases, gallstones might lead to unexplained weight loss. It’s a symptom that can be easily overlooked, especially if you’re not actively trying to shed pounds. The weight loss occurs because the gallbladder is not releasing enough bile to break down fats properly, leading to a decrease in nutrient absorption.
At first, the weight loss might seem like a welcome change. But over time, it becomes apparent that this isn’t a healthy form of weight loss. It’s not the result of diet and exercise but rather a sign that your body is not absorbing nutrients as it should.
This symptom is particularly sneaky because it can be gradual. You might not even notice the pounds dropping off until your clothes start to feel looser. And by then, the gallstones might have already caused a fair amount of disruption to your digestive system.
The unexplained weight loss also brings with it a sense of fatigue. With your body not absorbing nutrients properly, energy levels can take a nosedive. You might find yourself feeling tired and lethargic, even after a full night’s sleep. It’s a fatigue that lingers, affecting your overall quality of life. (4)