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9. Weight Loss: The Unintended Consequence of GAVE

Weight Loss The Unintended Consequence of GAVE

Weight loss, in most contexts, is celebrated, a marker of discipline and dedication. But when seen through the GAVE lens, it morphs into a cause for concern. The weight loss associated with GAVE isn’t the result of intentional dieting or exercise. It’s more insidious, a slow, creeping reduction that often goes unnoticed until it becomes pronounced.

The rationale behind this symptom is multifaceted. For starters, the early satiety discussed earlier plays a part. Eating less invariably leads to weight loss. But there’s more to it. The stomach, with its vascular anomalies, might not absorb nutrients as efficiently. The food ingested doesn’t translate to nourishment, leading to a gradual reduction in weight.

It’s intriguing how the body responds to this. The metabolism might slow down, trying to conserve energy. There’s a palpable decrease in vitality, a certain sluggishness that sets in. But beyond the numbers on the scale, the weight loss is indicative of the body’s waning reserves. (9)

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