GERD’s Top Ten Causes: Straight Talk on Acid Reflux

7. Pregnancy: When Baby Makes Three and GERD Makes Four

Pregnancy When Baby Makes Three and GERD Makes Four

Pregnancy is often filled with joyful anticipation, but it’s also a time when many women first meet GERD. The causes are as multifaceted as pregnancy itself. For starters, the hormone changes are no small fry. Progesterone levels rise, and while that’s great for baby-making, it’s less ideal for your lower esophageal sphincter. This hormone can cause that crucial muscle to relax, creating an express lane for stomach acid right into your esophagus.

What else? Well, as the baby grows, there’s increasing pressure on the abdomen. This means that the stomach is cramped for space, making it easier for stomach acid to escape its confines. So, in this case, the baby is indirectly inviting GERD to the party.

But let’s not forget those pregnancy cravings. When you’re pregnant, pickles and ice cream might sound like a culinary masterpiece, but such odd combos can wreak havoc on your digestive system. Acidic, fatty, and spicy foods are GERD’s best pals, and pregnancy can make you more susceptible to reaching for them.

It’s a complex relationship between pregnancy and GERD. While medications are often limited due to safety concerns for the baby, natural methods like altering eating habits can offer some relief. Small, frequent meals are better than three large ones when you’re sharing internal real estate with a growing human.

And finally, timing can play a role. Many women find relief after childbirth, but for some, the symptoms linger. So, while pregnancy can be a temporary cause of GERD, the changes it triggers in your body could have a more lasting impact. (7)

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