5. Stomach Pain: An Ache with Underlying Echoes

We’ve all had stomachaches, perhaps from indulging in too much food or experiencing stress. But the stomach pain linked with Hepatitis C is distinct. It’s a lingering discomfort, often situated in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, where the liver resides.
It’s essential to differentiate between common bellyaches and this particular discomfort. This isn’t about overeating or the body’s reaction to spicy foods. This pain has depth, an undercurrent that hints at the liver’s distress.
The liver, burdened by the virus, enlarges and stretches the liver capsule, causing a dull or aching pain. It’s the kind of pain that’s hard to pinpoint and even harder to ignore. It sits there, like an uninvited guest, reminding the individual of its omnipresence. (5)